Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tobacco Can The Problem Be Solved - 1122 Words

Ever since the 1960s, when cigarettes were deemed unhealthy, there has been constant effort to educate people on the tragic effects of smoking. It seems that one cannot go a day without hearing about how cigarettes are harmful. Some people are even victims of secondhand smoke on a daily basis. To some, the constant reminder that cigarettes are bad is a nuisance. To others, it can be a helpful way to prevent them from smoking. However, commercials and warning labels are not enough to protect people from the danger. The United States government should establish an indoor smoking ban on all tobacco products including electronic cigarettes and vapor pens. This ban is necessary to stop secondhand smoke from harming people, non-smokers would not†¦show more content†¦Some people confront smokers and ask them if they need help quitting, which can be very frustrating. However, these small annoyances do not do damage to a smoker’s health while a smoky bar does harm nonsmokers. Many states have already adopted an indoor smoking ban and in states where there is no ban individual businesses can still forbid it. There are a lot of schools and businesses that have designated outdoor smoking areas so that nonsmokers do not have to be affected inside or outside. This is a great and effective solution and should be adopted in all states. Still, the indoor smoking ban would bring into question a debate on hookah bars. Hookah is still a form of tobacco and is still harmful. However, hookah bars are places that are meant for smoking only and should still be allowed. These smoking lounges are not expected to be smoke free and nonsmokers would be consciously putting themselves in danger instead of being a victim. There are some common misconceptions when it comes to electronic cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. Many people think that these are completely harmless and subsequently believe that they cannot possibly be harming anyone. These misconceptions are due to naive ty. While these are much safer than cigarettes inhaling anything other than air is going to be somewhat harmful to the body. It is not just pure water vapor that comes out of these and chemicals are still involved. On ABC News’s website they state that â€Å"The cartomizer isShow MoreRelatedOutline the Factors Which Contribute to Low Health Expectancy in Developed Countries. Identify and Assess Possible Solutions to Reduce This Problem.1100 Words   |  5 Pagessolutions to reduce this problem. Health expectancy is â€Å"the number of years a person can expect to live in good health†. (New Zealand Ministry of Social Development, 2010). It reflects concern about the quality of life. Furthermore, low health expectancy means that people live in poor health which is affected by diseases and disability. Many factors contribute to low health expectancy, including smoking and obesity. 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